7 Must-Have Vision Board Categories to Manifest Your Dream Life

Making a vision board is a great way to help you manifest your dreams into reality. There are 7 vision board categories that should definitely be included on your next vision board.

The best way to get your vision board to manifest is to have clear intentions when you create it. Take some time before you gather your images to think about all the goals you want to accomplish, so you can be successful in creating your dream life.

This post is all about vision board categories that will help you manifest your dream life!

7 Vision Board Categories

1. Career

Whether you want to change jobs completely or receive a promotion from your current job make sure you include this on your vision board.

2. Finance

Finance can be similar to career but this can also include any debt you would like to pay off. This could also include any goals you may have when it comes to saving money. Or simply being smarter with your money.

3. Relationships

This can be either platonic or romantic. Looking to increase your social circle or becoming closer with your sister. Put this on your board! Creating relationships can be great tool to opening more doors for you than you ever believed.

4. Health

This can also be divided in two categories: mental and physical. Mental health is just as important as physical. Having a positive mindset and increasing your confidence will work wonders in creating the life you want. Physical health goals can be things like, setting a goal to walk everyday or simply stretching every morning.

5. Spiritual

No matter what you believe you can set spiritual goals for your vision board. This can look different for everyone.

6. Affirmations

Affirmations are a must for your vision board. These are statements that provide you with inspiration. You may not even believe them at the time you place them on your board, but with constant repetition you can train your mind to believe these things. Common affirmations include:

  1. I am enough
  2. Everything I want, wants me
  3. I am in competition with no one
  4. Everything works in my favor
  5. I am a money magnet

Find affirmations that work for your lifestyle and repeat them daily

7. Fun

Include some fun things you want to accomplish for the year! This can be traveling, joining that dance class you always wanted to join, or learning how to crochet. Think about your passions or find a new one and put them on your vision board.

These are 7 must have vision board categories that will help you manifest your dream life. Creating a vision board is a great first step. Now get out a pen a paper and start creating your dream life!

Can’t decide if you should create a digital or physical vision board? Check out this pros and cons list to help you!

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