Self Care Blueprint: 30 Habits to Elevate Your Well Being

30 habits you can incorporate into your life to help you build your self care routine.

1. Positive Affirmations

Create positive affirmations that resonate with your life. Affirmations can be as simple as “I am” statements that represents what you want to be in life. This can be “I am confident or “I am beautiful”. Create affirmations that you will repeat on a daily into your life until it becomes something that you fully believe.

2. Solo Date

Go on a solo date, romanticize your life. Create a routine where you take yourself out, whether it be something you enjoy doing or something you’ve never done before. It’s so important to spend time with yourself and learn to love being with just your own company. You are with yourself forever so learn to love yourself and become your own source of happiness.

3. Learn to Mediate

Meditation can look different for everyone. There is the classic example that you may see on television and for many this doesn’t appeal to them. Meditation can be simply taking ten minutes in the morning or right before bed where you spend time with just yourself. Your mind doesn’t have to be quiet, you don’t have to hum to yourself, you don’t have to have a fancy setup to meditate. Take this time to observe your thoughts or to repeat the positive affirmations you’ve created earlier. Or to just a have moment of “fresh air” before you begin your day.

4. Perform an Act of Kindness

Do something nice for someone. Not only does this make someone else feels good but it will make you feel good as well. An act of kindness doesn’t have to be monetary either, you can give a compliment to someone or help someone who you see struggling with something.

5. Go Outside/Take a Walk

Ideally this should be done as often as possible. Being outside is a great way to clear your head. Nature has a way of helping you de-stress from the problems you are facing. Most time we are so much in a go mentality that we forget to just take time out and be present in the moment.

6. Create a Morning Routine

Morning routines provides a sense of structure in the morning and it can help you feel more in control of the day ahead. This is your time that is just for you, your time to focus on yourself and your goals. Morning routines can help you become more productive throughout your day. If you need some advice on how to create a productive morning routine check out this post.

7. At Home Spa Day

Pamper yourself. There is nothing better than pampering yourself. Create an at home spa day with all of your favorite things. Relaxation and rejuvenation should always be incorporated into your life. Here is a guide to create the ultimate at home spa day.

8. Create a Gratitude List

Write a list of all the things you are thankful for, Thanksgiving should not be the only day you give thanks! Finding things that you are grateful for helps you notice all the aspects of your life that you have that may be taking for granted. Or when you’re having a bad day, this list can help you realize all the things in your life that is going right.

9. Celebrate your Achievements

Take time to recognize all the achievements that you’ve made and celebrate yourself. You did it! And that is enough reason for a celebration, even if it’s just as simple as getting out of bed.

10. Clean Out your Following

This is the time to block anyone whose post makes you feel anything but good. Unfollow anyone who doesn’t provide you with inspiration, motivation or entertainment. There is no need to fill your mind with information that does not benefit you.

11. Learn to Let Go

Let go of anything that does not serve you, whether that is a person or an object. These things are just holding you back from the person you are trying to become. Unfollow the person or throw out the object. Forgive anyone who you hold ill feelings towards, this all will benefit you in the long run.

12. Express Your Creativity

Find a way to express yourself. Find a healthy way to get your feelings out. This can be drawing, cooking, photography, music, writing etc.

13. Create a Vision Board

Vision boards help you to visualize your goals and achieve them. It is a great way to help you set goals and it’s a great manifestation tool. Vision boards can be a powerful tool in helping you create your dream life. If you want to learn how to create a vision board check it out here.

14. Mindful Breathing

Find a quiet place, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths and focus on yourself. This is a great practice to do when you find yourself in a challenging position. Taking time to focus on your breathing can help center your thoughts and calm you down.

15. Journal

Daily journaling provides you with an insight into your life and gives you a chance to reflect on your day. This is also a time when you can write down your gratitude list as well. Journaling gets ideas out of your head and helps you see them more clearly. It also provides documentation of where you are so its a great to use to look back on later in life.

16. Self Reflections

Reflect on who you are as a person and if it aligns with who you want to be. Realize what you need to work on and create steps to make the change into the person you want to be.

17. Set Boundaries

Learn how to say no. Not only that, but figure out what you want to put up with and say no to anything else that does not align with that.

18. Forgive Yourself

This is soooo important. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you made, forgive yourself for any decision you are less than proud of. Know that you are living this life and you don’t have all the answers. Let go of any negative perceptions you have of yourself and forgive the person you were in the past.

19. Declutter your Space

As you are learning to clean your mind, it is important to clean your space as well. Get rid of things that no longer align with who you are and create a new space for the new person you are becoming.

20. Learn to Accept Compliments

So many of us have a hard time hearing positive things about yourself. But once you start speaking these positive things into your life it becomes easier to accept compliments given to us from strangers or family. You are amazing after all so of course people will see that and comment about it.

21. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Speak positivity into your life. This is more important than you may realize. It is so easy to speak negativity in your life that you may not even realize you’re doing it. It can be as simple as applying for a job ,but then thinking “they are not going to hire me because the job market sucks right now or I am not the most qualified person for the job. Or even with your relationships; simply thinking “there’s not any good men or women left in the world.” So take a few days and really think about the words you are speaking into your life. When you find that you are speaking something into your life that doesn’t agree with what you want, correct it immediately and make that a habit.

22. Choose Your Flock

It so true that who you hang with is a reflection of who you are. Just like how you cleaned out your digital following, it’s important to clean out the people you surround yourself with. Take note of who in your circle does not align with who you are and make adjustments.

23. Check in With Yourself

See how you are feeling and doing. Notice your feelings and what is making you feel a certain way. Are your actions aligning with who you want to be. Check in with yourself periodically and ask yourself these questions.

24. Treat Yourself

Treat yourself! Get yourself something you’ve always wanted because you deserve it.

25. Set Time for Your Hobby

Create time every week for your hobby. It’s important to make time for the things that you love. Doing something you love helps with the feelings of stress you can feel throughout the week. Life just simply isn’t fun if you aren’t doing the things you love.

26. Take Care of Your Body

Take care of your physical well being, this includes moving your body in any type of way and taking care of your skin. Make sure to fuel your body with the things it needs to function properly. Make sure to create a skin care routine, not only for your face but for the rest of your body as well. Moisturize and take care of your skin. Move your body everyday so that it can perform the best for you.

27. Feel Good Books, Movies or Podcasts

Read, watch or listen to information that makes you feel good. Create a routine where you make time to watch something that brings you complete joy.

28. Drink More Water

Hydrate! Drink more water. Most of us don’t drink the amount of water that we need and we need to be more mindful of the amount of water we consume.

29. Visualize Your Dream Life

This goes hand in hand with the vision board. In order to create the life of your dreams you need to see the life of your dreams. You need to know what it looks like so you can see yourself in it. You can use the time you meditate to see the life you want to live. This helps to imprint your goals into your subconscious mind and change your mind about the goals that you have for yourself.

30. Get More Sleep

We all know how much sleep we need to function for the day so let’s make more of an effort to get to that goal. Set an alarm for the time you need to be in bed so that you can get a good amount of sleep for the next day. Do not doom scroll on tik tok for hours, procrastinating on sleep. Go ahead and shut off the app and try to get some sleep. And if you find yourself having a hard time falling asleep there are multiple methods you can use to help you fall asleep.

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