7 Steps to Creating a Powerful Vision Board

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a powerful visualization tool that represents your aspirations, goals, and dreams. Typically, it’s a collage of images, words, affirmations, and symbols strategically placed on a board or poster.

How Does it Work?

A powerful vision board will evoke positive emotions and motivate you by providing a clear visual representation your goals. Looking at your goals daily will help you take the necessary steps to achieving your goals, whether you intend to or not.

The 7 Steps

1. Set Your Intentions

This part is just brainstorming. Take some time to think about the goals you want to achieve in various parts of your life. And don’t just think about them, get out some pen and paper (or your iPad) and write down all of your goals. It doesn’t matter how out there you think the goal may be, go ahead and jot it down.

If you need some help thinking about the goals you want to achieve in different areas of your life, check out this post about the 7 categories you need to have on your vision board.

2. Gather your Supplies

There are so many different supplies you can use to make your vision board come to life. Here is a list of a few of them:

  1. Poster Boards or cork boards
  2. Scissors (they can be regular ones or ones with the patterned edges) Bonus tip ! If you have a guest who is left handed some left handed scissors will be a great addition.
  3. Glue (Glue sticks are superior because you will not get those annoying wrinkles on your photos)
  4. Washi Tape
  5. Markers or Brush Markers
  6. Stickers
  7. Stencils
  8. Glitter
  9. Scrapbook Paper
  10. Stamps and ink pads
  11. Magazines
  12. Photos
  13. Quotes/ Affirmations
  14. Pinter (for any photos you cannot find in a magazine) Bonus tip! Use photo paper instead of regular printer paper to give your pictures a more authentic look
  15. Ivy Photo Printer ( this is a neat little pocket printer that will turn any photo into a sticker)
  16. Cricut (If you have one!) You can use your Cricut to cut out so many shapes, designs or affirmations you want to put on your board.

3.Select Your Images

Now that you have your list of goals written, it’s time to look for images that reflect your goals. This can be in the form of images you found online or quotes that embody a certain feeling. Pinterest is a great source to find photos.

But don’t get so hung up trying to get pictures that are aesthetically pleasing, choose photos that really make you feel something. Choose photos that really embody the goal that you want to achieve.

4. Arrange and Organize

Okay so you have the perfect photos, now it’s time to arrange them onto your board. No need to glue the photos down yet! Arrange how you want your photos, whether you have them arranged by categories or you place the photos wherever they land. Do what feels right for you and your vision board.

Remember this board is about you and for you, so do what feels best to you.

(Optional) You can also leave space for any future goals you want to accomplish as the year progresses.

5. Assemble Your Vision Board

Here’s the fun part, it’s time to glue your images down. Once you found the perfect spot for your images glue them down. You can be super creative at this point using the supplies listed above.

6. Place Your Vision Board

Find a spot for your vision board to “live” for the next year. Hang it in an area that you will see daily. Seeing your goals daily will help you stay motivated to achieve them.

7. Reflect

Your vision board now serves as a daily reminder of your goals. Take time to look at your board. This doesn’t haven’t to be daily nor does it have to be a long time. Take a minute and look at your board and visualize yourself achieving your goals. Opportunities will present themselves in ways you never would have imagined.

You Did It

Following these 7 steps, you will create a powerful vision board. Now don’t think against your goals and desires. Remember what you focus on grows and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

7 Tips For Hosting the Best Vision Board Party

Hosting a vision board party is a great way to get you and your friends mind focus on goal setting. Setting goals can seem overwhelming sometimes and creating a vision board can be a fun process. It’s creative and allows you to become clear about goals you want to achieve. So why not create one with friends?

So you’ve decided to host a vision board party here are 7 tips to ensure it is the best one yet!

Vision Board Party Tips

1. Invitations

Since this party is all about goal setting make sure your invitations give off that vibe. Go the extra mile and create an invitation detailing everything about the party. Creating beautiful invites are easy using templates on Canva or Evite will make this step a breeze. Cavna is a free editing app that has hundreds of template and fonts for you to choose from that can help you easily display the theme for your vision board party.

This is also a great time to tell your guests if they need to bring anything for their board. Any supplies they might need, that you may not be able to supply them with (which we will talk about later).

2. Prepare your guests

Creating a vision board takes some thought. You can either cut out a time during the party for your guest to brainstorm their ideas or you can have them do this before they arrive. My tip for this is to – know your guests! Since brainstorming will happen before the creation of the vision board, if a guest arrive late they may miss the brain storming section on the party.

If you know you have guests that will arrive late, you can carve out the brainstorming session a little later in the party or simply have them do this before they arrive.

Whether you choose to have your guest brainstorm before or during the vision board party, it is best to give them some prompts to think about when they ask themselves what goals they want to achieve. If you need any ideas for some vision board categories here is a great list of some.

3. Food and Drinks

You can’t have a party without food! Make sure you take into account any allergies or dietary restrictions your guest may have. Another thing to think about is how messy the food is. If you plan on eating while creating your vision board, you wouldn’t want greasy fingerprint stains on your board or a tomato sauce stain on the perfect picture.

While you and your guests are creating your boards it’s best to have easy to eat, low mess foods so you don’t mess up your work of art. But if you want the pizza and wings with extra sauce you can always put down the boards and eat.

If you and your guests are over 21, cocktails are definitely an option to have at your vision board party. Don’t forget to have plenty of water for your guests too. Make sure there are also options for anyone who doesn’t want an alcoholic beverage like juice and sodas as well.

4. Music

Just like food, you need music! This is suppose to be fun so music is a must. You can create a playlist of the music you want to play during your party. This can be a mix of white noise like rain sounds or crashing ocean waves for when you and your guests are brainstorming. And it can be more lively music for when the decorating begin.

5. Supplies

There are so many art supplies one could use for their vision board. You can either have your guests bring some, supply some for your guests or a mixture of both. Here is a list of some essential supplies you will need to create a picture worthy vision board:

  1. Poster Boards
  2. Scissors (they can be regular ones or ones with the patterned edges) Bonus tip ! If you have a guest who is left handed some left handed scissors will be a great addition.
  3. Glue (Glue sticks are superior because you will not get those annoying wrinkles on your photos)
  4. Washi Tape
  5. Markers or Brush Markers
  6. Stickers
  7. Stencils
  8. Glitter
  9. Scrapbook Paper
  10. Stamps and ink pads
  11. Magazines
  12. Pinter (for any photos you cannot find in a magazine) Bonus tip! Use photo paper instead of regular printer paper to give your pictures a more authentic look
  13. Ivy Photo Printer ( this is a neat little pocket printer that will turn any photo into a sticker)
  14. Cricut (If you have one!) You can use your Cricut to cut out so many shapes, designs or affirmations you want to put on your board.

6. Show and Tell

When all your guests have finished their boards have them show it off! Have them explain their goals and why they want to achieve them. This can be inspiring to the other guest and also help provide other guest with ideas of their own that they may want to add to their vision board.

7. Create a Group Chat

After your guests have shared their goals, you all can be accountability partners. Create a group chat where you can share encouragement with one other. Post quotes with inspiring messages. Provide support for one another. On this journey, not everyday will be the brightest, so it will be great to have someone that can help you when you’re down. Who better to help than the people who were there when the goals were set?

That’s a Wrap!

Follow these tips and you are sure to have the best vision board party for you and your guests.

7 Must-Have Vision Board Categories to Manifest Your Dream Life

Making a vision board is a great way to help you manifest your dreams into reality. There are 7 vision board categories that should definitely be included on your next vision board.

The best way to get your vision board to manifest is to have clear intentions when you create it. Take some time before you gather your images to think about all the goals you want to accomplish, so you can be successful in creating your dream life.

This post is all about vision board categories that will help you manifest your dream life!

7 Vision Board Categories

1. Career

Whether you want to change jobs completely or receive a promotion from your current job make sure you include this on your vision board.

2. Finance

Finance can be similar to career but this can also include any debt you would like to pay off. This could also include any goals you may have when it comes to saving money. Or simply being smarter with your money.

3. Relationships

This can be either platonic or romantic. Looking to increase your social circle or becoming closer with your sister. Put this on your board! Creating relationships can be great tool to opening more doors for you than you ever believed.

4. Health

This can also be divided in two categories: mental and physical. Mental health is just as important as physical. Having a positive mindset and increasing your confidence will work wonders in creating the life you want. Physical health goals can be things like, setting a goal to walk everyday or simply stretching every morning.

5. Spiritual

No matter what you believe you can set spiritual goals for your vision board. This can look different for everyone.

6. Affirmations

Affirmations are a must for your vision board. These are statements that provide you with inspiration. You may not even believe them at the time you place them on your board, but with constant repetition you can train your mind to believe these things. Common affirmations include:

  1. I am enough
  2. Everything I want, wants me
  3. I am in competition with no one
  4. Everything works in my favor
  5. I am a money magnet

Find affirmations that work for your lifestyle and repeat them daily

7. Fun

Include some fun things you want to accomplish for the year! This can be traveling, joining that dance class you always wanted to join, or learning how to crochet. Think about your passions or find a new one and put them on your vision board.

These are 7 must have vision board categories that will help you manifest your dream life. Creating a vision board is a great first step. Now get out a pen a paper and start creating your dream life!

Can’t decide if you should create a digital or physical vision board? Check out this pros and cons list to help you!

Should You Make a Digital or Physical Vision Board ?

Short answer… Yes

In all seriousness you can create any type of vision board that is easier for you

Pros of a Physical Vision Board

  • You can get your hands “dirty” when creating one
  • It can be posted on your wall
  • You can wake up and look at it every morning and night

Pros of a Digital Vision Board

  • If you’re not so crafty, this is an easier option
  • You can make this the wallpaper for literally any digital screen you have
  • You can carry your vision with you at all times (even though you don’t need to for your desires to manifest)

Either way you choose to make your 2024 vision board, you will be able to manifest your desires. Which type of vision board will you make?

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