27 Uplifting Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength

Here is a list of 27 uplifting quotes to help you realize that you are stronger than you think you are. These quotes are here to inspire you to be the best you and motivate you on days when you may not be feeling your best. You got this.

27 Uplifting Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength

  1. I am in competition with no one, honey you’re just an NPC.
  2. Storms don’t last forever. Better days are on the way, waiting just behind the clouds.
  3. Believe it, See it, Make it yours. Manifest your dreams into reality.
  4. Tears aren’t a sign of weakness, they water the seeds of inner strength and growth.
  5. Embrace the blank canvas of a new year, and  paint your boldest dreams.
  6. Sometimes the bravest act is simply letting go and trusting in new beginnings.
  7. You don’t need to have it all figured out to start; sometimes the magic happens as you go.
  8. No one can cheer for you quite like you can. So, raise your own banner and celebrate the amazing person you are becoming.
  1. The best support you’ll ever find is the unwavering belief you hold in yourself.
  2. Become your own fan; your victories deserve your own standing ovation.
  3. Give yourself time to bloom; greatness doesn’t rush.
  4. Don’t let yesterday’s shadows dim the brightness of tomorrow’s sunrise.
  5. The past is a teacher, not a residence.
  6. Failures are just rough drafts on the way to success. Keep going; your masterpiece is on its way.
  7. Silently upgrade your life; let your actions speak louder than any announcement ever could.
  8. Taking risks opens doors; never taking one keeps you in the same room.
  9. Failure is a step, not a destination.
  10. My success is inevitable.
  1. Starting over is not a setback; it’s a powerful comeback.
  2. Quitting is like closing a book before reaching the best chapters.
  3. When you find yourself again, don’t ever let her go.
  4. Don’t be so hard on yourself, it takes time to become someone you’ve never been before.
  5. Let go of the past; it’s a chapter, not your whole story.
  6. Confidence is not ‘they will like me.’ It’s ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t.’
  7. You are enough babe, don’t ever forget that.
  8. Trust the journey; even the detours lead to beautiful destinations
  9. You are greatness in the making.

7 Key Components for a Powerful Morning Routine

I’m not here to tell you that you need to wake up at 5am to have a productive morning routine. The time you wake up does matter but not in the way you may think. Let’s throw away the 5am idea and create a morning routine that you will actually stick to.

Having an effective morning routine is so important; it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Your morning routine will create your mindset for the day. It will help how you see obstacles and how you perceive them. Alright let’s get into these 7 habits!

7 Habits for a Powerful Morning Routine

Set Your Alarm

Set your time to wake up and stick with it! Don’t create several alarms, you know the 6am, 6:15, 6:23 and 6:30 one. IYKYK. We are kicking that habit, this only tells your mind that you don’t have to wake up at the first initial alarm, it tells your mind you have ample time to get up. You’re already starting the day procrastinating. Set that first alarm and get up.

You may have to put your phone on the other side of the room or use one of those apps where you have to solve a math problem before the alarm turns off. But set that alarm and get up with the first ring.

This might be hard at first, so you have to set yourself up for greatness the night before. That means setting a bedtime and sticking with that. Do not doom scroll on tik tok till 2am and now there is no way you will get up at the first alarm. Set that bedtime and stick with it.

Have trouble falling asleep? My suggestion is read a book. So many people fall asleep while reading I think it’s the greatest hack to fall asleep. Unless you’re like me, a person who loves to read, then this is the worst suggestion.

You need to have ample rest in order to have a create your powerful morning routine. With that being said make sure to set your alarm so that you have time to complete your morning routine. This may mean 5am for some people or it could mean 11am for others. Set the best time for you.

Think About Your Goals

When you first wake up it’s so easy for your mind to go straight to the overwhelming things. Maybe you had a bad day yesterday and you can’t stop thinking about the coworker who made you mad. Or maybe you have so much on your plate all you can think about is all the work you need t finish.

Don’t do this. Do not stress your mind out first thing in the morning. Take a deep breath and remove those thoughts and think about your goals instead. Think about how you will feel once you accomplish them. Or think about things that make you truly happy.

Don’t have any goals set? Check out this post to help you create some.

Expressing gratitude is a great way to start off the morning. Being thankful for another day or the things you may even take for granted. Being warm when it’s cold outside, access to wifi, a job to pay your bills. Some things we have access to everyday can be easily overlooked. Your life would look so different if they disappeared, so be sure to express gratitude that you have them.

One last thing, don’t immediately overwhelm your brain when you first wake up. So that means no social media. Don’t update yourself on other peoples’ lives before you even think about yours.

Move Your Body

This could be as simple as a 10 minute stretching video on Youtube or an intense HIIT workout. Either way move that body. You’ve been laying in one position for 8 hours so move your body with intention.

A great morning routine should always involve movement, whether your job is physically demanding or if you are sitting at a desk all day.

Your body’s ability to move greatly effects your lifestyle so treat it properly everyday. There are so many free videos to choose from, so pick a video with the appropriate amount of time you have set for your morning routine and get to moving!

Do Something You Love

Starting your day off with something you enjoy makes the rest of the day easy to tolerate. Waking up and doing what you love gives you something to look forward to. Instead of waking up with the impending doom of work hanging over your head.

What hobbies do you like to do? This is your time to do put some work into that. This could be crocheting, drawing, skating, creating music. Dedicate some time in the morning to do something that brings you joy.

If you can wake up and put in hours for “the man” then you can definitely wake up and put in some time for yourself.

Fuel Your body

I’m not saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day (that was definitely a marketing strategy) but if you’re hungry, eat. If you need energy drink your coffee or tea.

Give your body what it needs so that it can function well throughout the day. Your morning routine should always consist of doing what is good for your body.

I don’t have any advice on what you should eat but eat what you should be eating. You know what your body needs so give it what is needs so that it can perform the best for you.

Monitor the Content You are Consuming

When you do choose to open social media, it’s important to be mindful of the kind of content you are consuming. That true crime tik tok you were watching last night is not the first thing you should be hearing in the morning.

There is no benefit to starting your day off listening to negativity. Or just negative feelings in general. Don’t watch a video that makes you feel bad about yourself, like those videos of the girlies with the super clean and pristine house. If this makes you feel like you’re not doing a good job then don’t watch it, but if this motivates you then definitely watch it.

Watch things that put you in a mindset that makes you want to tackle the day, this could be a motivational podcast or maybe an episode of Bob’s Burger. Just consume content that makes you feel good. A morning routine is all about feeling good.

Plan Your Day

What all do you have to get done today? Make of list of the things that have to get done for just today. Do not overwhelm yourself with the 20 things that need to get done this week. We are tackling this list day by day.

Putting your tasks in more manageable lists will help you accomplish your goals. Set out times for you to do these tasks. If you have a planner use that or you can schedule your tasks into google calendar or just take out some pen and paper and write them down. Choose what ever method is best for you, just makes sure you know what it is you have to do today.

Writing down your tasks in more manageable lists will increase your chances of getting it done.


Always plan out some you time as well. Always make time for yourself. You are always your own priority. After you finish taking care of everybody else, take care of yourself. Always.

That’s it

Now I didn’t put things like brush your teeth and wash your face in here because I feel like that is a given. I wanted to give you advice on things you may not currently be doing in your morning routine. Try these tips out and let me know how they help you.

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